Diving at Turkey Ridge

Diving at Turkey Ridge

The Turkey Ridge Dive Site Management Team has a special permit with the Black Hawk County Conservation Board to allow Scuba diving within Turkey Ridge. This special permit allows us to manage most aspects of diving within the site.

Pre-visit checklist:

  1. Make sure you’ve scheduled your visit. We will have the scheduling site up soon. Until then, email [email protected]
    • Our Special Permit with the Conservation Board only allows certain days for Diving.
    • Currently: Days are limited to 1 weekend a month and 1 or 2 week days.
  2. Each diver needs to fill out all relevant forms prior to their visit. The place to upload/store these documents will be available once you’ve scheduled your visit. Once signed, each form should be uploaded to the assigned Google Drive folder. For easier access, Dive Shops can upload these files in-bulk to their assigned dive shop folder.
    • The forms can be found here: CLICK HERE
    • Make sure to fill out both the Turkey Ridge Dive Site Liability Release and the Diver Responsibility Agreement.
  3. Each Diver will need to upload a scanned in copy of their certification card to their assigned Google Drive Folder. You will gain access to this folder once you’ve scheduled your visit.
  4. For the foreseeable future, all dive visits at Turkey Ridge Dive Site will be attended by a member of the Turkey Ridge Dive Site Executive Management Team or their representatives (known as a “Board Rep”). These individuals will be responsible for making sure the rules of the Special Permit are upheld.
  5. You may be given a required site safety briefing and/or site information prior to being allowed to dive.
  6. Only the Board Rep will have access to the Gate Code. However, for safety reasons, the Gate Code will be placed in an envelope and accessible to everyone in case of an emergency.
  7. Please try your best to carpool all divers/gear into the dive site. The less cars the better.
  8. Those driving within Turkey Ridge need to keep their speed under 25 MPH at all times as there are people walking on the gravel road to access the park/quarry.
  9. There is no mandatory fee for using the dive site. All donations go directly towards site management, insurance fees, etc. If you’re feeling generous, hit the “Donate” button at the top of the page, or CLICK HERE.

Instructor Information:

  1. Instructors who utilize the dive site for instructional purposes must be licensed by a WRSTC-recognized organization, currently insured, and in “good standing” with their respective licensing organization.
  2. While in the water, all non-certified divers are required to be accompanied, in close physical proximity and line-of-site, by a fully licensed Instructor. Violations of this rule may result in being barred from using the dive site.